回复: Issuing date of Rising 2009
Yeah,you are right,i mean the friend on the fourth floor,all the fans want to know its issuing date and also all of us enjoy it,in fact,i have two editions of the genuine Rising,one is Rising 2005,and the other is Rising 2007,i have used rising for about 5 years,when i left university in 2004,and from that time on,i always use it as my computer guard,i just would like to describe Rising with very perfect,excellent,and so on,some days ago,there are some bugs for KAKA,i think which is normal for a software,for example,Norton,as well as Kaspersky,all of them commit mistakes before,so including some other software companys,the important thing is your attitude when something happened,if you can put the interest of customer on the first position and make endeavor to do it well,i think customers will supports you as before,so as the leading company of antivirus software,Rising will overcome this diffculty,i want to say to Rising:Trust yourself,your ability,and your future,all of us stand by you!